While there’s nothing specific I plan on writing in this post, I’ll share a few things as they come to my mind. 6th of June, 2014 was the day I bought this domain. I must admit, I was a bit embarrassed to have my name in the domain but I quickly got over that.

Those were the times when I was learning about programming, friendships and college life in general. This is from one of the outings to Mumbai from college.

I also started writing on Ghost.io, before moving to Blogger and then Jekyll. Here’s a screenshot of the first post (which is now lost).

And I also liked showing off my stuff, whatever little I had back then. I used to borrow laptops and computers from friends and would try to set up ‘testing labs’ in my bedroom. Most of such labs would end up being used for playing NFS Most Wanted. One of my favorite showoffs was showing off code or terminals.

Good times. It is nice to have this blog and bits of data here and there from the past, otherwise it is easy to forget these little memories.
Whether this is the first article that you read on my blog, or you’ve been following from some time, I must thank you. You’re as much part of the blog as the content itself, and I have not a shred of doubt when I say that this blog has been one of the most worthwhile investments I’ve made in my life so far.
See you in the next one!