
I couldn’t not show off my telescope (thank you, dear friends)

This website has been online for about a decade now. That’s more than a third of my life. It has seen me go through different phases, like a close friend. Some of those are documented in the form of articles that you’ll find on the homepage.

Following is the about page of my first website which has aged surprisingly well:

Hi everyone, if you are searching for someone who thinks spending 8 hours in front of a PC is normal, you are at the right place 😉
You will not find any amazing new hacks or such stuff here.Then why this site ? It is because I am not a computer expert but computer enthusiast just like you. I will try to share whatever new I come to know. I would be extremely pleased to hear from you.
By the way I am Abhishek Nagekar. You can meet me on Facebook(If you like to !!)

March 5, 2011

Fifteen year old me sure knew his priorities. This website, just like the one for which I wrote that intro, is to share whatever new I’m up to and meet interesting people. Most of it is just as true today as it was back then, except for the Facebook part. If you wish to get in touch, email is the way to go: hi@ab.hn

These days, I’m employed at Mozilla to work on Firefox. It is something I dreamed of doing when I was younger.

I’m particularly fond of picking up silly little hobbies, learning just enough to be “good enough”, and then moving on. Some hobbies have stuck for long, like writing on this blog. Others have faded away having taught me something. I like the process of learning itself, going from knowing nothing about something to knowing something, which is why I don’t mind letting go of hobbies.

In no particular order, following are somethings I can (or could) talk passionately about:

  • Chess (playing, and the popculture surrounding it)
  • Doodling, drawing and painting on stuff
  • Playing music
    • Guitar
    • Ukulele
    • Can play one or two songs level – keyboard, kalimba
  • Blogging and story telling
  • Maintaining my digital garden
  • Drone piloting (I have a UAV license!)
  • Home server and home automation
  • Star gazing, astronomy in general
  • Reading
  • Cooking
    • Cocktail making
    • Bread making
    • All foods desi
  • Automobile engineering and tinkering

Generally speaking, I am intentional about building skills and relationships over career, fame and money. I want to contribute my time towards building a world where we judge others based on how much meaning and happiness they spread, where borders don’t exist to keep the poor out and no human is considered illegal, where everyone can work on building and creating meaningfully without having to worry about food or shelter, and where we take care of the only place in the universe we call home, our planet.

Other pages of interest on this website

I’m a hobby photographer

My technical setup and debugging documentation

Books, movies and documentaries – Recommendations

Curated quotes (from the internet, books and my friends)

Elsewhere on the internet

Github where I post my open source work

Linkedin because sometimes I need a job

Check if I’m at Sadhu

Follow my worthy opponent phase on Instagram